Monday, May 7, 2007

New Center At York Gives Glimpse Of Sub-Angstrom World

04 May 2007

Nanoforum (York) - The University of York has taken a significant step into new fields of sub-Angstrom level materials research with the opening of the York JEOL Nanocenter. The interdisciplinary research and teaching centre represents a USD 11 million investment in novel nanoscience capability by the University of York, regional development agency, Yorkshire Forward, the European Union, and by scientific instruments supplier JEOL. The new Center, which is already forging close links with industry, is expected to result in significant developments of new materials for everything from medical science to electronics. It combines resources from the University’s Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Electronics, with the potential for much wider collaborations.
(Reliability: 8)

The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists

5 May 2007

YNETNEWS.COM(ISRAEL)-Dr. Hossam Haick, a lecturer and researcher at the Technion's Russell Berrrie Nanotechnology Institute has invented an electronic nose which can diagnose cancer. It has won him a USD 2.35 million grant from the European Union. The invention uses nano-sensors to analyzes a persons breath. It can distinguish between different types of cancer and determine what stage the cancer is in. The sensor is an improvement over current diagnostics in that it can detect cancers in its earliest stages, before a tumor has formed. Source:,7340,L-3395347,00.html (Reliability: 8)

Friday, May 4, 2007

IPR In Nanotechnology: Lessons From Experiences Worldwide

2 May 2004

NANOWERKNEWS (US)-- The international workshop on IPR in Nanotechnology, that was organized jointly by the European Patent Office (EPO) and DG Research of the European Commission, took place on April 16, 2007 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop was connected to the Third International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation INC3. The aim of the nanotechnology IPR workshop was to identify specific IPR issues for nanotechnology and to discuss possible consequences for patent offices, policy makers, patent consultants and the research community. Many aspects have been identified in ongoing academic and political discussions such as the costs of patenting and the accessibility of patents for SMEs or Developing Countries and the need of a transparent and clearly defined scope of patent protection. Source:
(Reliability: 8.5)

UT Dallas And South Korea Agree On Semiconductor Research

1 May 2007

BUSINESS JOURNAL (AUSTIN) - The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)has signed a preliminary agreement with The Consortium of Semiconductor Advanced Research from Seoul, South Korea to establish a semiconductor research center at the college. The South Korean research institute could invest up to USD 8 million in the next four years. UTD will focus on materials science, nano-electronics and related efforts to make microchips smaller, faster and more energy-efficient. The South Korea group signed similar memoranda of understanding with Standord University and the University of California at Berkely. Stanford's planned center will focus on chip manufacturing, and Berkeley will focus on microchip design. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Indian Government Approves New Nano Mission

3 May 2007

NANOWERK (INDIA)—The Government of India recently approved the launch of a Mission on Nano Science and Technology (Nano Mission) by allocating approximately USD 245 million over the next 5 years. The Department of Science and Technology will be the primary agency for implementing the new Nano Mission. Research on the fundamental aspects of nano-science and training of a large number of manpower will receive prime attention. The Nano Mission will also strive for development of products and processes for national development, especially in areas of national relevance like safe drinking water, materials development, sensors development, and drug delivery. Source: (Reliability: 8)

Israel Keen To Partner Singapore In Water Technology Industry

30 April 2007

CHANNELNEWSASIA (TEL AVIV)-Israeli Vice-Premier Shimon Peres and Singapore’s Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo discussed joining hands to develop water resources and nanotechnology during Mr. Yeo’s trip to Israel. Singapore companies can tap into Israel’s strength in high technology and expand their interests in the Middle East, while Israeli firms can use Singapore as a gateway into Asia’s growing economies. Last year, foreign trade between the two countries amounted to USD 1.4 billion. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Potocnik Outlines Balanced Approach To Developing Nanotechnology

23 April 2007

Cordis (Europe) - EU Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potocnik has provided further details of what is being done to keep Europe at the forefront of the fast-moving field of nanotechnology in a safe and responsible way. Speaking at a conference in Brussels on 17 April, Mr Potocnik noted that one of the greatest challenges facing the rapidly changing field is how best to join together the three sides of the triangle of knowledge. This has been one of the goals of the Commission's 2005 action plan on nanotechnologies. 'We wanted to improve the field from start to finish by fostering innovation; increasing investment; boosting inter-disciplinarity; creating the necessary infrastructures and expanding human resources,' said the Commission. Reliability: 7