Monday, May 7, 2007

New Center At York Gives Glimpse Of Sub-Angstrom World

04 May 2007

Nanoforum (York) - The University of York has taken a significant step into new fields of sub-Angstrom level materials research with the opening of the York JEOL Nanocenter. The interdisciplinary research and teaching centre represents a USD 11 million investment in novel nanoscience capability by the University of York, regional development agency, Yorkshire Forward, the European Union, and by scientific instruments supplier JEOL. The new Center, which is already forging close links with industry, is expected to result in significant developments of new materials for everything from medical science to electronics. It combines resources from the University’s Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Electronics, with the potential for much wider collaborations.
(Reliability: 8)

The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists

5 May 2007

YNETNEWS.COM(ISRAEL)-Dr. Hossam Haick, a lecturer and researcher at the Technion's Russell Berrrie Nanotechnology Institute has invented an electronic nose which can diagnose cancer. It has won him a USD 2.35 million grant from the European Union. The invention uses nano-sensors to analyzes a persons breath. It can distinguish between different types of cancer and determine what stage the cancer is in. The sensor is an improvement over current diagnostics in that it can detect cancers in its earliest stages, before a tumor has formed. Source:,7340,L-3395347,00.html (Reliability: 8)

Friday, May 4, 2007

IPR In Nanotechnology: Lessons From Experiences Worldwide

2 May 2004

NANOWERKNEWS (US)-- The international workshop on IPR in Nanotechnology, that was organized jointly by the European Patent Office (EPO) and DG Research of the European Commission, took place on April 16, 2007 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop was connected to the Third International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation INC3. The aim of the nanotechnology IPR workshop was to identify specific IPR issues for nanotechnology and to discuss possible consequences for patent offices, policy makers, patent consultants and the research community. Many aspects have been identified in ongoing academic and political discussions such as the costs of patenting and the accessibility of patents for SMEs or Developing Countries and the need of a transparent and clearly defined scope of patent protection. Source:
(Reliability: 8.5)

UT Dallas And South Korea Agree On Semiconductor Research

1 May 2007

BUSINESS JOURNAL (AUSTIN) - The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)has signed a preliminary agreement with The Consortium of Semiconductor Advanced Research from Seoul, South Korea to establish a semiconductor research center at the college. The South Korean research institute could invest up to USD 8 million in the next four years. UTD will focus on materials science, nano-electronics and related efforts to make microchips smaller, faster and more energy-efficient. The South Korea group signed similar memoranda of understanding with Standord University and the University of California at Berkely. Stanford's planned center will focus on chip manufacturing, and Berkeley will focus on microchip design. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Indian Government Approves New Nano Mission

3 May 2007

NANOWERK (INDIA)—The Government of India recently approved the launch of a Mission on Nano Science and Technology (Nano Mission) by allocating approximately USD 245 million over the next 5 years. The Department of Science and Technology will be the primary agency for implementing the new Nano Mission. Research on the fundamental aspects of nano-science and training of a large number of manpower will receive prime attention. The Nano Mission will also strive for development of products and processes for national development, especially in areas of national relevance like safe drinking water, materials development, sensors development, and drug delivery. Source: (Reliability: 8)

Israel Keen To Partner Singapore In Water Technology Industry

30 April 2007

CHANNELNEWSASIA (TEL AVIV)-Israeli Vice-Premier Shimon Peres and Singapore’s Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo discussed joining hands to develop water resources and nanotechnology during Mr. Yeo’s trip to Israel. Singapore companies can tap into Israel’s strength in high technology and expand their interests in the Middle East, while Israeli firms can use Singapore as a gateway into Asia’s growing economies. Last year, foreign trade between the two countries amounted to USD 1.4 billion. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Potocnik Outlines Balanced Approach To Developing Nanotechnology

23 April 2007

Cordis (Europe) - EU Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potocnik has provided further details of what is being done to keep Europe at the forefront of the fast-moving field of nanotechnology in a safe and responsible way. Speaking at a conference in Brussels on 17 April, Mr Potocnik noted that one of the greatest challenges facing the rapidly changing field is how best to join together the three sides of the triangle of knowledge. This has been one of the goals of the Commission's 2005 action plan on nanotechnologies. 'We wanted to improve the field from start to finish by fostering innovation; increasing investment; boosting inter-disciplinarity; creating the necessary infrastructures and expanding human resources,' said the Commission. Reliability: 7

Monday, April 30, 2007

India Makes Nanoscale Drug Delivery System Breakthrough

30 April 2007

THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS (INDIA)—As the drug market moves to injectables, biotech majors strive to develop targeted-injection drugs for the treatment of a host of disorders. Indian biotech majors, however, seem steady on their path. Dabur Pharma, for instance, achieved a breakthrough with its Nanoxel, a drug delivery system for the widely used anti-cancer drug Paclitaxel. This nanoscale drug delivery system is India's first indigenously developed nanotechnology-based chemotherapy agent, and also the first outside of the US. Positioned as a safer therapy for advanced breast, non-small-cell lung, and ovarian cancers, it enables therapy to take a preferential course to the cancerous cells and directly interact with the tumor-causing agents thereby throwing open a larger window for anti-tumor activity. It also ensures that the patient receives the full measure of therapy while limiting the adverse side effects and toxicity affected by the drug. This would be a great advantage because the biggest challenge faced in cancer therapy is the incidence of severe side effects that the cancer patient has to encounter while undergoing chemotherapy. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Friday, April 27, 2007

New Entrepreneurs From Former Soviet Defense Complex to Showcase Innovative Capabilities

25 April 2007

PRNEWSWIRE(US)-- Six high-tech companies emerging from the former Soviet
defense complex will showcase their technical capabilities at a Russia-Ukraine
Pavilion sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy at the Larta Institute
2007 Venture Forum. This annual event, May 1-2 in San Francisco, connects early
stage innovators with funding sources and potential business partners. The
companies-five Russian and one Ukrainian -will exhibit technologies in diagnostics,
healthcare, nanotechnology,software, and advanced materials. Source:
(Reliability 8.5)

Venezuela To Open New Opportunities For Belarus To Realize Scientific Potential In Latin America

24 April 2007

BELTA (BELARUS)-Venezuela and Belarus will cooperate in scientific ventures according to Belarus’ First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology, Vladimir Nedilko. Belarus will present its scientific and technological potential at an exhibition in Caracas. Belarus already has cooperation agreements with Argentina and Brazil. Nedilko said that space technologies, agricultural, immune biology, information technologies, lasers, and nano-technologies are promising trends for future cooperation. Source:
(Reliability: 9)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

EU Wants Malaysian Researchers In European Scientific Projects

20 April 2007

PUTRAJAYA (BERNAMA) - The European Union hopes European and Malaysian researchers will team up to carry out European scientific research projects including nanotechnology, information technology and climate change. Ambassador and head of the European Commission Delegation to Malaysia Thierry Rommel said while trade and investment improved significantly from the EU member countries into Malaysia and some Malaysian investment going to the EU, they failed to make significant inroads in the area of joint scientific research. Source: (Reliablity: 6.5)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nanotechnology Pesticide Filter Debuts In India

20 April 2007

NANOTECHNOLOGY NOW (INDIA)—A domestic water filter that uses metal nanoparticles to remove dissolved pesticide residues is about to enter the Indian market. Its developers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai (formerly Madras) believe it is the first commercial product of its kind in the world. Mumbai-based Eureka Forbes Limited, a company that sells water purification systems, is collaborating with IIT and has tested the device in the field for over six months. By late May 2007, Jayachandra Reddy, a technical consultant to the company, expects to sell the first 1000 units. Based on consumption patterns of a typical Indian household, has enough nanomaterials to provide 6000 liters of pesticide-free water for one year. Source:
(Reliability: 8)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Russia To Invest $1Billion In Nanotechnology

18 April 2007

BUSINESSWEEK (US)--Russia will pour over $1 billion into equipment for nanotechnology research over the next three years as it uses massive oil and gas export earnings to diversify an economy now heavily dependent on raw materials, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said Wednesday.
Ivanov predicts that 90 percent of nanotechnology developments will be for civilian purposes and 10 percent for military purposes. Source: (Reliability 8.5)

Probing The Inner Secrets Of Multi-Layer Carbon Nanotubes

19 April 2007

NANOFORUM (UK) - Researchers at the University of Surrey have shown for the first time that knowing the structure of the surface layer of a multi-layer carbon nanotube is not enough to predict its electronic properties. The contribution of inner layers is crucial, and this has serious implications when it particularly comes to fabricating electronic devices such as transistors and molecular interconnects. (Reliability:7)

Elron Announces New Investment in BPT

19 April 2007 BUSINESS WIRE (ISRAEL)-Elron Electronic Industries invested of approximately USD 1.2 million in Bio-Pure Technology Ltd. (BPT), an Israeli-based water technology company, in partnership with Aurum Ventures M.K.I. for a total USD 2.5 million investment. BPT provides advanced membrane-based separation solutions that address the unique needs of the water, wastewater treatment and chemical process industries. Source: (Reliability: 8)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Intel Unveils Tolopai Plans In IDF China

17 April 2007

The new enterprise level microprocessor, named Tolopai, will use a system-on-a-chip design, integrating several components into a single chip platform, resulting in 45% smaller chips and 20% reductions in power consumption compared to the current four chip design. The new chip, slated for release in the second half of this year, will deliver a 45 percent improvement for bandwidth-intensive tasks compared to the quad-core Intel Xeon due to a smaller design, from 60 nanometers to 45 nano meters, and by using "high-k metal gate" transistors. Intel also announced plans for a new line of high-end processors code-named "Caneland", due for release in the third quarter of 2007. These chips will come in quad and dual-core versions running in 80 and 50 watts. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Analysis: The Intel fabircation plant in Dalian China will most likely produce the Tolopai and Caneland chip when the plant becomes operational in 2010. China wants to independently innovate at least 90/65 nanometer chip by 2010, but the increase in efficiency of the two chips will force Chinese chip buyers to purchase the 60/45 nanometer chip. (Analytical Confidence: 6.5)

Monday, April 16, 2007

EU public consultation safety engineered nanomaterials

The European Commission invites comments on the scientific opinion on "The appropriateness of the risk assessment methodology in accordance with the technical guidance documents for new and existing substances for assessing the risks of nanomaterials," by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). SCENIHR has evaluated the current technical guidance documents for risk assessment of products where nanomaterials can be applied. The methodologies for assessing the hazards for human health are generally likely to be sufficient, but the measure of the dose should take into account particle size and number as well as mass.
(Reliability: 7)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Finland and China to Collaborate on Nanotechnology

12 April 2007

AZONANO (AUSTRALIA)--Finland and China announced the launch of a joint cooperation programme for nanotechnology research and development (R&D), the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes) reports.
"This cooperation agreement between Finland and China is a strong step forward in an effort to foster a better exchange of ideas, people and resources between China and EU countries,'"said Markku Lämsä, manager of Finland's National Nanotechnology Programme (FinNano). Source: (Reliability: 9)

Friday, April 13, 2007


Size of Nanotechnology in accordance to the universe.

Industrial Nanotech Appoints Technical Team For Petrobras Project

11 April 2007

AZONANO.COM (BRAZIL)-Industrial Nanotech, Inc. announced they appointed two technical advisors, Carlos Saad Fraiha Filho and Dr. Carlos Peiter, to oversee its new project with Petroleo Brasileiro S.A (Petrobras), a Brazilian oil and gas company. The advisors will ensure proper application of Industrial Nanotech’s Nansulate at Petrobras facilities and will help identify additional applications for Nansulate in the oil and gas markets. Source: (Reliability: 5)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

India Joins Hands With South Africa, Brazil To Develop Nanotechnology

7 April 2007

MALAYSIA SUN (MALAYSIA)-India, South Africa, and Brazil agreed to jointly develop nanotechnology. The agreement will help the nations formulate priorities of common areas of interest, such as water treatment, agriculture, the environment, and catalysis. Dr. Jose Antonio Brum, Coordinator of National De Luz Sincronton Companis in Brazil said the deal would help break technological barriers. Source: (Reliability: 6)

Advanced Nano Starts Strategic Alliance With Energenics

11 April 2007

NANOTECH NOW (AUSTRALIA) - Advanced Nanotechnology Limited (ANO) today announced the execution of a Letter of Intent with Energenics Holdings Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based alternative energy supplier, to create an integrated fuel-borne catalyst joint venture company to address the growing clean-burn fuel markets. The joint venture company, based in Singapore, intends to combine Advanced Nano's nanomaterials research and production skills with Energenics fuel additive formulation and fuel application expertise. They expects to formally commence the project within 10 weeks. Source: (Reliability: 8)

Monday, April 9, 2007

The World’s First Nano-Material Based Water Filter

THE HINDU (INDIA)— The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) is about to reveal a water purifier using nanotechnology. “Technology used in the product is the very first and is home-grown. No nanoparticle based water filter exists in the world as of now,” says Dr T. Pradeep, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility at IITM. Eureka Forbes Ltd. of India plans on releasing the filter using the technology developed by IITM, which removes pesticides from drinking water using chemistry utilizing metal nanoparticles. Source: (Reliability: 6)