Thursday, April 19, 2007

Intel Unveils Tolopai Plans In IDF China

17 April 2007

The new enterprise level microprocessor, named Tolopai, will use a system-on-a-chip design, integrating several components into a single chip platform, resulting in 45% smaller chips and 20% reductions in power consumption compared to the current four chip design. The new chip, slated for release in the second half of this year, will deliver a 45 percent improvement for bandwidth-intensive tasks compared to the quad-core Intel Xeon due to a smaller design, from 60 nanometers to 45 nano meters, and by using "high-k metal gate" transistors. Intel also announced plans for a new line of high-end processors code-named "Caneland", due for release in the third quarter of 2007. These chips will come in quad and dual-core versions running in 80 and 50 watts. Source: (Reliability: 7)

Analysis: The Intel fabircation plant in Dalian China will most likely produce the Tolopai and Caneland chip when the plant becomes operational in 2010. China wants to independently innovate at least 90/65 nanometer chip by 2010, but the increase in efficiency of the two chips will force Chinese chip buyers to purchase the 60/45 nanometer chip. (Analytical Confidence: 6.5)

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